NSite Areas of Focus

Revenue Generation-

Whether you need to improve an existing product/service line, form a new profit center in your existing organization or create a new stand alone entity, NSITE has the experience to help you. This includes developing…

  • Business Strategic plan
  • Financial Business Case
  • Hiring
  • Training
  • Business implementation


Business forces change faster then we think.  Your current organizational structure that made sense yesterday may need refreshed to provide optimal performance of your employees to capitalize on new opportunities or challenges.  NSITE can ensure you have the right structure in place to maximize your future growth and profitability:

  • Assessing the current market place forces
  • Evaluating the efficiency of current operations
  • Benchmark against competition
  • Provide options to refresh the organizational structure
  • Facilitate the implementation of the structure
  • Measure results to ensure the objectives are being met

Cost Efficiencies-

Whether your company is experiencing significant growth or competing in a mature market, the number one way to ensure your long term success is focusing on cost efficiencies.  However, cutting cost in the wrong area could have long term impacts on the customer experience or your companies ability to meet demand.  NSITE can help you identify intelligent solutions to optimizing your cost structure while improving your customers experience.  To follow are steps NSITE can help you with:

  • Automation
  • Developing & Measuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Layered Reporting- National –> Local
  • Load Balancing Work & Employees
  • Work & Salary realignments
  • Globalization
  • Outsourcing
  • Contract Renegotiations

Process Excellence-

As companies experience rapid growth, they often find themselves struggling to keep up and fall short of meeting customer expectations.  How you handle this situation often defines the future of your companies success.  NSITE is here to help you manage through your growing pains by re-designing your processes to allow your team to scale seamlessly.  To follow are examples of steps we can take to set you back on track:

  • Recommend immediate changes to “Stop the Bleeding”
  • Collaborate with Cross functional team to
    • Baseline existing process
    • Measure current process time and through put
    • Gain consensus on a new streamlined process
    • Train employees
    • Implement new process
    • Measure new process time and through put
    • “Tweak” process as agreed and remeasure until the desired result is achieved


Logistics is often overlooked until there is a component missing to complete a critical customer job or you get beat by your competitor on a large RFQ due to price.     NSITE can work with you to ensure this does not happen to your company.  To follow are a few things NSITE can do to ensure your Logistics program is optimized:

  • Execute RFQs to source multiple suppliers for the best cost of good & quality
  • Evaluate “Total Cost of Ownership” for products and services
  • Optimize distribution network
  • Minimize Transportation cost
  • Redesign the Repair & Return Process
  • Optimize inventory levels and accuracy
  • Ensure Sarbanes and Oxley requirements are adhered to
  • Evaluate Third Party Logistic programs and recommend as warranted

Customer Experience Management-

Customer Experience Management (CEM) is not just a Buzz word or phrase, rather, it is a blunt way for your customers (Internal or External) to tell you if you are doing a good job.   Just as important, it is a good way to find out what a customer truly values when it comes to your product or service.  NSITE can help you develop your CEM program or help you move your Net Promoter Score (NPS)in the right direction.  Here is how:

  • Define Organization goals and objectives for CEM
  • Develop the survey
  • Issue the survey to the targeted audience
  • Help Management decipher the key message(s) in the survey
  • Develop action plans to address customer hot spots
  • Continue measuring results and creating action plans for continuous improvement


Each business requires a unique marketing strategy. Let NSITE Professionals help you develop your marketing plan that will target your customer base to include:

  • Web Site development
  • On line Advertising
  • Trade show planning
  • Local/Regional/National Media advertising

Emergency Response & Disaster Recovery-

Your customers or citizens are counting on you to be there for them when they need you the most. That is often during Emergency Response and Disaster Recovery. The companies with the most effective ER/DR plans are those who invest heavily before such an event occurs. Let NSITE help your company prepare for the next major event to include:

  • Event Management Plan
  • Government City/County/State/National Plan integration
  • Staff Training
  • Mock Event Execution
  • Event Management Center operations
  • After Action Review